Today Marian had her 18month check up. She finally reached the 20 lb mark, weighing in this morning at 20lb 12 oz!!!! YEAH!!! We never thought she would get here! She is also 32 in tall - off the charts and growing strong!
The first week in March, Marian had her first hair cut given by Aunt Kadra. It took a lot of people to get her attention so Aunt Kadra didn't hurt her with the shears! She didn't really like it very much, especially when Kadra went to cut her bangs!

Marian also took another step to being a big big girl (as Melissa likes to call herself!) - she moved into her big girl bed this weekend. As you can see, moments after it was put together she was in love! So far so good, we've had lots of luck with her staying in bed and not getting out and roaming around! I give it a week before we're waking up in the middle of the night to music and toys being bounced around!

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